Creating nonprofit policies begins with knowing what policies are required, and which ones are necessary. The purpose of policies is to protect and guide the board and staff to fulfill the mission of the organization. Policies can paraphrase a law, explain a procedure, clarify a principle, or express desired actions and goals. They are the protocol to follow that; when properly used, helps diminish embarrassing or potentially harmful situations, improper behavior, and ineffective decision making. We are experienced at policy making and can provide you with sample policies or develop desired policies on your behalf. JLP can help.
· Conduct a policy evaluation, and review for your organization.
· Create policy development a plan.
· Update outdated policies.
· We offer full-service policy development for your organization.
· If you prefer to do it yourself, JLP offers sample policies in our products page[JP1] . You can download and personalize each policy for your organization.
[JP1]Insert hyperlink once products page is up.
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